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The Decline and Fall of Slavery in Nineteenth Century Brazil
星级: 2 页
Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)
星级: 1 页
centennial of matthew arnold 1822-1888 in the meantime . .
星级: 3 页
“ The formal abolition of slavery took place in 1888
星级: 23 页
Decommissioning of Mature Oil Fields and Artisanal Fisheries- The Case of Todosos Santos Bay, Brazil
星级: 19 页
Abolitionism matters The politics of antislavery in Pernambuco, Brazil, 1869--1888.
星级: 339 页
ethnology the destruction of brazilian slavery 1850-1888. robert conrad
星级: 2 页
Slavery in Brazil
星级: 153 页
Clark, Addie Burr Seminary 1888 --in the name of the …
星级: 17 页