- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
- Preface
- Abbreviations
- Note on Citation, Dates and Transliteration
- Introduction
- I. History of the Nuṣayrīs
- 1. Ibn Nuṣayr—"The Gate of God"
- 2. Al-Ḥusayn ibn Ḥamdān al-Khaṣībī : the founder of the sect
- 2.1 His first mystical guidance
- 2.2 His second mystical guidance
- 2.3 Becoming a leader
- 2.4 Open propaganda
- 2.5 Immigration to Syria and creation of a new community
- 2.6 The return to Iraq
- 2.7 Al-Khaṣībī' s taqiyya: posing as an Imāmī scholar
- 2.8 Establishing the Iraqi center
- 2.9 The connection with the Buyids
- 2.10 The successor in Iraq
- 2.11 The successor in Aleppo
- 2.12 Al-Khaṣībī' s writings
- 3. Crystallization and the editing of books
- 4. Maymūn al-Ṭabarānī and the book of the holidays
- 5. Rival sects: Isḥāqīs and Druzes
- 6. The Banū Shu'ba of Ḥarrān
- 7. The end of the golden age
- 8. Shaykh al-Nashshābī ' s travels
- 9. Al-Makzūn al-Sinjārī and the Nuṣayrī awakening
- 10. Oppression under the Mamlūks
- 11. Nuṣayrī medieval history—a chronological table
- II. The Nuṣayrī Religion
- 1. Western research on the Nuṣayrī religion
- 2. The nature of the divinity
- 3. The Nusayrī cosmos
- 4. Transmigration and prohibited foods
- 5. Cyclic history
- 6. The gnostic mystical elevation: ma'rifa and sirāt
- 7. Demonology and the personification of Iblīs
- 8. The "Prince of the Bees " : 'Alī and his army of martyrs
- 9. Allegorical interpretation of the sharī'a
- 10. The Nuṣayrī holidays and the creation of a new calendar
- 10.1 The fast (sawm) of Ramaḍān and 'Id al-Fiṭr
- 10.2 The Ḥajj and 'Id al-Adḥā
- 10.3 'Id al-Ghadīr: celebration of the declaration of the ma'nā 's divinity
- 10.4 'Id al-Mubāhala: celebration of the debate with the Christians of Najrān
- 10.5 'Id al-Firāsh: the holiday of the bed
- 10.6 'Id 'Ashūr: the holiday of 10 Muḥarram
- 10.7 Maqtal Dulām: celebration of the killing of 'Umar
- 10.8 The night of mid-Sha'bān
- 10.9 Laylat al-Mīlād: Christmas
- 10.10 Holiday of 17 ādhār (March)
- 10.11 Nawrūz : the Persian New Year
- 10.12 Yawm al-Khamīs al-Kabīr: the holiday of "Great Thursday"
- 10.13 Mihrajān: the holiday of the autumn equinox
- III. Identity between Sunna and Shī'a
- Conclusion
- Appendices
- 1. Primary Nuṣayrī Sources
- 2. Titles and Contents of Unavailable Sources
- 3. Ciphers in the Writings of al-Ṭabarānī
- 4. The Table of Ranks Based on Abdallāh ibn Mu'āwiya's Kitāb al-marātib wa-'l-daraj
- 5. List of the Imāms and their bābs
- 6. Dīwān al-Khaṣībī—Information and Summary
- 7. A Summary of the Kitāb al-majmū': A Dustūr (Book for Initiates) from the Nineteenth Century
- 8. The Fatwā of Ibn Taymiyya against the Nuṣayrīs
- Select Bibliography
- Index
The Nusayrī-Alawīs - Yaron Friedman
上传日期:2020-12-27 14:59:32