- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
- Preface
- Contents
- About the Authors
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- 1 Introduction: Corporate Social Responsibility and Japanese Corporations
- 1.1 Focus and Contributions
- 1.2 Corporate Responsibility and Japanese Business
- 1.3 CSR Awareness of Japanese Companies Since the 2000s
- 1.4 CSR Awareness of Investors and SRI Market in Japan
- 1.5 CSP and CFP
- 1.6 Ownership Structure and Market Perceptions of CSR
- 1.7 Corporate Governance Reform and CSR
- References
- 2 Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness and Practices of Japanese Corporations
- 2.1 Conceptualization of CSR
- 2.2 CSR Theories and Strategic CSR
- 2.3 Stakeholder Management and Corporate Value
- 2.4 Corporate Governance and CSR
- 2.5 CSR and Stakeholder Management in the Japanese Business Model
- 2.6 CSR Initiatives in the Early 2000s in Japan
- 2.7 CSR Awareness and Practices Since the Late 2000s
- 2.8 CSR Reporting and Corporate Governance Reform
- 2.9 Conclusion
- References
- 3 Responsible Investment and Institutional Investors
- 4 Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance
- 5 Corporate Social Performance and Ownership Structure
- 6 Market Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility and Cost of Capital
- 6.1 Corporate Financing and Risk Premium
- 6.2 Hypothesis Development
- 6.3 Empirical Analyses
- 6.4 Fama–French Cost of Capital and CSR: A Robustness Test
- 6.5 Conclusion
- Appendix 1: Estimation Method of Implied Cost of Capital
- Appendix 2: Estimation of Cost of Equity Based on Fama–French Three-Factor Model
- Appendix 3: Cost of Debt
- References
- 7 Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness and Management Forecast Bias
- 8 Effects of Corporate Social Performance on Default Risk: Structural Model-Based Analysis on Japanese Firms
- 9 Relationship Between Technological Innovation, Corporate Social Performance, and Corporate Financial Performance
- 10 Conclusion—The Future of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Finance in Japan
- Epilogue
- Index
Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Finance in Japan
上传日期:2018-05-25 21:30:58