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Evidence Based Analgesia for lower limb arthroplasty
星级: 68 页
Vacuum assisted closure for treatment of lower limb large skin defect with infection
星级: 6 页
Biomechanics of Lower Limb Prosthetics
星级: 153 页
Adjustable Lower Limb Prosthetics for Children Final Report
星级: 154 页
Stance control knee mechanism for lower-limb support in hybrid neuroprosthesis
星级: 12 页
The Evidence Base for Botulinum Toxin Injection for the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy–Related Spasticity in the Lower Limb: The Lo
星级: 5 页
Evidence for Elevated Cerebrospinal Fluid ERK12 Levels in Alzheimer Dementia
星级: 10 页
Effects of elevated vacuum on in-socket residual limb fluid volume Case study results using bioimpedance analysis
星级: 18 页
The evidence base for CABG in a percutaneous world
星级: 18 页