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Estrada, Soto. 2007. Disrupting beta-amyloid aggregation for Alzheimer disease treatment
星级: 12 页
Structure and toxicity of the prefibrillar aggregation states of beta peptides in alzheimer s disease
星级: 16 页
S-nitrosylation of Cdk5 Potential implications in amyloid-β-related neurotoxicity in Alzheimer disease
星级: 7 页
the role of inflammation and amyloid beta in alzheimer disease pathology
星级: 169 页
Relative abundance of Alzheimer A beta amyloid peptide variants in Alzheimer disease and normal aging
星级: 5 页
Inhibition of amyloid-beta peptide aggregation rescues the autophagic deficits in the TgCRND8 mouse model of Alzheimer disease
星级: 9 页
Alzheimer disease macrophages shuttle amyloid-beta from neurons to vessels, contributing to amyloid angiopathy
星级: 14 页
Alzheimer disease macrophages shuttle amyloid-beta from neurons to vessels, contributing to amyloid angiopathy
星级: 14 页
Aggregation State and Neurotoxic Properties of Alzheimer Beta-Amyloid Peptide
星级: 10 页