- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Computers and Programming
- CHAPTER 2 Introduction to C++
- 2.1 The Parts of a C++ Program
- 2.2 The cout Object
- 2.3 The #include Directive
- 2.4 Standard and Prestandard C++
- 2.5 Variables, Constants, and the Assignment Statement
- 2.6 Identifiers
- 2.7 Integer Data Types
- 2.8 The char Data Type
- 2.9 The C++ string Class
- 2.10 Floating-Point Data Types
- 2.11 The bool Data Type
- 2.12 Determining the Size of a Data Type
- 2.13 More on Variable Assignments and Initialization
- 2.14 Scope
- 2.15 Arithmetic Operators
- 2.17 Focus on Software Engineering: Programming Style
- 2.18 Tying It All Together: Smile!
- CHAPTER 3 Expressions and Interactivity
- 3.1 The cin Object
- 3.2 Mathematical Expressions
- 3.3 Implicit Type Conversion
- 3.4 Explicit Type Conversion
- 3.5 Overflow and Underflow
- 3.6 Named Constants
- 3.7 Multiple and Combined Assignment
- 3.8 Formatting Output
- 3.9 Working with Characters and String Objects
- 3.10 Using C-Strings
- 3.11 More Mathematical Library Functions
- 3.12 Introduction to Files
- 3.13 Focus on Debugging: Hand Tracing a Program
- 3.14 Green Fields Landscaping Case Study—Part 1
- 3.15 Tying It All Together: Word Game
- CHAPTER 4 Making Decisions
- 4.1 Relational Operators
- 4.2 The if Statement
- 4.3 The if/else Statement
- 4.4 The if/else if Statement
- 4.5 Menu-Driven Programs
- 4.6 Nested if Statements
- 4.7 Logical Operators
- 4.8 Validating User Input
- 4.9 More About Variable Definitions and Scope
- 4.10 Comparing Characters and Strings
- 4.11 The Conditional Operator
- 4.12 The switch Statement
- 4.13 Enumerated Data Types
- 4.14 Testing for File Open Errors
- 4.15 Focus on Testing and Debugging: Validating Output Results
- 4.16 Green Fields Landscaping Case Study—Part 2
- 4.17 Tying It All Together: Fortune Teller
- CHAPTER 5 Looping
- 5.1 The Increment and Decrement Operators
- 5.2 Introduction to Loops: The while Loop
- 5.3 Using the while Loop for Input Validation
- 5.4 Counters
- 5.5 The do-while Loop
- 5.6 The for Loop
- 5.7 Keeping a Running Total
- 5.8 Sentinels
- 5.9 Using a Loop to Read Data from a File
- 5.10 Focus on Software Engineering: Deciding Which Loop to Use
- 5.11 Nested Loops
- 5.12 Breaking Out of a Loop
- 5.13 The continue Statement
- 5.14 Focus on Testing and Debugging: Creating Good Test Data
- 5.15 Central Mountain Credit Union Case Study
- 5.16 Tying It All Together: What a Colorful World
- CHAPTER 6 Functions
- 6.1 Modular Programming
- 6.2 Defining and Calling Functions
- 6.3 Function Prototypes
- 6.4 Sending Data into a Function
- 6.5 Passing Data by Value
- 6.6 The return Statement
- 6.7 Returning a Value from a Function
- 6.8 Returning a Boolean Value
- 6.9 Using Functions in a Menu-Driven Program
- 6.10 Local and Global Variables
- 6.11 Static Local Variables
- 6.12 Default Arguments
- 6.13 Using Reference Variables as Parameters
- 6.14 Overloading Functions
- 6.15 The exit ( ) Function
- 6.16 Stubs and Drivers
- 6.17 Little Lotto Case Study
- 6.18 Tying It All Together: Glowing Jack-o-lantern
- CHAPTER 7 Introduction to Classes and Objects
- 7.1 Abstract Data Types
- 7.2 Object-Oriented Programming
- 7.3 Introduction to Classes
- 7.4 Introduction to Objects
- 7.5 Defining Member Functions
- 7.6 Constructors
- 7.7 Destructors
- 7.8 Private Member Functions
- 7.9 Passing Objects to Functions
- 7.10 Object Composition
- 7.11 Focus on Software Engineering: Separating Class Specification, Implementation, and Client Code
- 7.12 Input Validation Objects
- 7.13 Structures
- 7.14 Home Software Company OOP Case Study
- 7.15 Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design
- 7.16 Screen Control
- 7.17 Tying It All Together: Yoyo Animation
- CHAPTER 8 Arrays
- 8.1 Arrays Hold Multiple Values
- 8.2 Accessing Array Elements
- 8.3 Inputting and Displaying Array Contents
- 8.4 Array Initialization
- 8.5 Processing Array Contents
- 8.6 Using Parallel Arrays
- 8.7 The typedef Statement
- 8.8 Arrays as Function Arguments
- 8.9 Two-Dimensional Arrays
- 8.10 Arrays with Three or More Dimensions
- 8.11 Vectors
- 8.12 Arrays of Class Objects
- 8.13 National Commerce Bank Case Study
- 8.14 Tying It All Together: Rock, Paper, Scissors
- CHAPTER 9 Searching, Sorting, and Algorithm Analysis
- CHAPTER 10 Pointers
- 10.1 Pointers and the Address Operator
- 10.2 Pointer Variables
- 10.3 The Relationship Between Arrays and Pointers
- 10.4 Pointer Arithmetic
- 10.5 Initializing Pointers
- 10.6 Comparing Pointers
- 10.7 Pointers as Function Parameters
- 10.8 Pointers to Constants and Constant Pointers
- 10.9 Focus on Software Engineering: Dynamic Memory Allocation
- 10.10 Focus on Software Engineering: Returning Pointers from Functions
- 10.11 Pointers to Class Objects and Structures
- 10.12 Focus on Software Engineering: Selecting Members of Objects
- 10.13 United Cause Relief Agency Case Study
- 10.14 Tying It All Together: Pardon Me, Do You Have the Time?
- CHAPTER 11 More About Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
- 11.1 The this Pointer and Constant Member Functions
- 11.2 Static Members
- 11.3 Friends of Classes
- 11.4 Memberwise Assignment
- 11.5 Copy Constructors
- 11.6 Operator Overloading
- 11.7 Type Conversion Operators
- 11.8 Convert Constructors
- 11.9 Aggregation and Composition
- 11.10 Inheritance
- 11.11 Protected Members and Class Access
- 11.12 Constructors, Destructors, and Inheritance
- 11.13 Overriding Base Class Functions
- 11.14 Tying It All Together: Putting Data on the World Wide Web
- CHAPTER 12 More About Characters, Strings, and the string Class
- 12.1 C-Strings
- 12.2 Library Functions for Working with C-Strings
- 12.3 Conversions Between Numbers and Strings
- 12.4 Character Testing
- 12.5 Character Case Conversion
- 12.6 Writing Your Own C-String Handling Functions
- 12.7 More About the C++ string Class
- 12.8 Creating Your Own String Class
- 12.9 Advanced Software Enterprises Case Study
- 12.10 Tying It All Together: Program Execution Environments
- CHAPTER 13 Advanced File and I/O Operations
- 13.1 Files
- 13.2 Output Formatting
- 13.3 Passing File Stream Objects to Functions
- 13.4 More Detailed Error Testing
- 13.5 Member Functions for Reading and Writing Files
- 13.6 Binary Files
- 13.7 Creating Records with Structures
- 13.8 Random-Access Files
- 13.9 Opening a File for Both Input and Output
- 13.10 Online Friendship Connections Case Study
- 13.11 Tying It All Together: File Merging and Color-Coded HTML
- CHAPTER 14 Recursion
- 14.1 Introduction to Recursion
- 14.2 The Recursive Factorial Function
- 14.3 The Recursive gcd Function
- 14.4 Solving Recursively Defined Problems
- 14.5 A Recursive Binary Search Function
- 14.6 Focus on Problem Solving and Program Design: The QuickSort Algorithm
- 14.7 The Towers of Hanoi
- 14.8 Focus on Problem Solving: Exhaustive and Enumeration Algorithms
- 14.9 Focus on Software Engineering: Recursion Versus Iteration
- 14.10 Tying It All Together: Infix and Prefix Expressions
- CHAPTER 15 Polymorphism and Virtual Functions
- 15.1 Type Compatibility in Inheritance Hierarchies
- 15.2 Polymorphism and Virtual Member Functions
- 15.3 Abstract Base Classes and Pure Virtual Functions
- 15.4 Focus on Object-Oriented Programming: Composition Versus Inheritance
- 15.5 Secure Encryption Systems, Inc., Case Study
- 15.6 Tying It All Together: Let’s Move It
- CHAPTER 16 Exceptions, Templates, and the Standard Template Library (STL)
- CHAPTER 17 Linked Lists
- CHAPTER 18 Stacks and Queues
- 18.1 Introduction to the Stack ADT
- 18.2 Dynamic Stacks
- 18.3 The STL Stack Container
- 18.4 Introduction to the Queue ADT
- 18.5 Dynamic Queues
- 18.6 The STL deque and queue Containers
- 18.7 Focus on Problem Solving and Program Design: Eliminating Recursion
- 18.8 Tying It All Together: Converting Postfix Expressions to Infix
- CHAPTER 19 Binary Trees
- Appendix A: The ASCII Character Set
- Appendix B: Operator Precedence and Associativity
- Index
Starting Out with C++ Early Objects 7th Edition
上传日期:2011-09-24 09:20:53