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A Unified Theoretical Description of the Thermodynamical Properties of Spin Crossover with Ma
星级: 41 页
【精品】Structure and Dynamics of the Ferroelectric Relaxors Pb(Mg13Nb23)O3 and Pb(Zn13Nb23)O3
星级: 19 页
the ckmt model and the theoretical description of the caldwell-plot
星级: 15 页
Theoretical description of the hydrated electron. Shape and spectroscopic properties of the cavity containing the excess electro
星级: 5 页
The effect of pyrochlore phase on formation mechanism and electrical properties of perovskite PZMN relaxors
星级: 8 页
Tunability properties in the paraelectric state of the Pb(Mg(sub)1 3( sub)Nb(sub)2 3( sub))O(sub)3( sub) ceramics
星级: 5 页
Tunability properties of the Pb(Mg(sub)1 3( sub)Nb(sub)2 3( sub)O(sub)3( sub)) relaxors and theoretical description
星级: 5 页
Structure, stability, and dielectric properties of chemically ordered relaxors in the Pb(Mg13Ta23)O3–PbZrO3 (PMT–PZ) system
星级: 12 页
Investigation of the dielectric properties of MnO-additive Pb(Fe23W13)–PbTiO3 relaxors prepared by two different methods
星级: 10 页