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- 目录
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Macroeconomics in the Small and the Large Essays on Microfoundations, Macroeconomic Applications and Economic History in Honor o
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K. Velupillai-Macroeconomic Theory and Economic Policy_ Essays in Honour of Jean-Paul Fitoussi (Routledge Frontiers of Political
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A note on global optimization in adaptive control, econometrics and macroeconomics
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The TREE system as a teaching aid in macroeconomics and econometrics
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behavioral macroeconomics and macroeconomic behavior
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Essays in Education and Macroeconomics.
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Essays in Macroeconomic Dynamics and the Financial Market.
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Essays in macroeconomic theory and political economy.
星级: 117 页
Essays in Macroeconomics and Finance.
星级: 120 页
- Cover
- Half Title
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Original Title Page
- Original Copyright Page
- Table of Contents
- List of Contributors
- Executive Committee of the Association of University Teachers of Economics
- Editors' Introduction
- 1. The Effect of Social Security on Saving
- 2. Philosophy and Objectives of Econometrics
- 3. Aggregate Consumer Behaviour and Individual Welfare
- 4. A Review of Recent Work on Testing for Auto-Correlation in Dynamic Simultaneous Models
- 5. Estimating Continuous Consumer Equivalence Scales in an Expenditure Model with Labour Supply
- 6. Consistent Estimation of a Large Generalised Stongly Separable Demand System
- 7. On the Structure of the Theory of Monetary Policy
- 8. Problems and Resolutions of Problems Concerning the Short Run Demand for Money
- 9. The Role of Economic Policy After the New Classical Macroeconomics
- 10. Investment Grants
- 11. The Roots of the British Sickness
- 12. Public Sector Behaviour : The Status of the Political Business Cycle
- 13. Portfolio Selection in Practice
- 14. Verdoorn's Law - the Externalities Hypothesis and Economic Growth in the U.K.
- 15. The Wage Equation and Rational Expectations
- 16. A Multivariate Approach to Data Analysis