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- 目录
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Exploring the relationship between gender and cause in consumer processing of cause-related marketing.
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Consumer preference change and the generalized axiom of revealed preference.
星级: 72 页
- Cover
- Environment Modeling-Based Requirements Engineering for Software Intensive Systems
- Copyright
- About the Author
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Part 1: Background
- 1 - Requirements and Requirements Engineering∗∗This chapter serves to deliver general background knowledge about requirements a ...
- 2 - Requirements Engineering Methodologies
- 3 - Importance of Interactive Environment
- Part One References
- Part 2: Ontology and System-Interactive Environment Ontology
- 4 - Ontology-Oriented Interactive Environment Modeling
- 5 - Domain Environment Ontology Construction
- 6 - Feature Model of Domain Environment
- Part Two References
- Part 3: Environment Modeling-Based System Capability
- 7 - Effect-Oriented System Capability
- 8 - Reasoning I: System Capability Comparison and Composition
- 9 - Reasoning II: System Capability Refinement
- 10 - Reasoning III: System Capability Aggregation
- Part Three References
- Part 4: Environment- Related Nonfunctionalities
- 11 - The System Dependability Problem
- 12 - The System Dynamic Adaptability Concern
- 13 - Other Nonfunctionality Patterns
- Part Four References
- Index
- Back Cover