- 相关
- 目录
- 笔记
- 书签
星级: 81 页
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星级: 81 页
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星级: 64 页
星级: 67 页
- Contents
- List of Illustrations
- Acknowledgments
- 1. The Georgia Navy
- 2. Tattnall: The Legend Comes Home
- 3. The Georgia Coast Guard
- 4. “Old Abes Blockade Is No Good in This Section”
- 5. “All We Want Is to Be Let Alone”
- 6. Sailors
- 7. The Bermuda Shows the Way
- 8. A Future Navy
- 9. Port Royal
- 10. Enter the Fingal
- 11. “Happy Hearts and Happy Homes Are Now No More”: The Battle for Port Royal
- 12. Bringing the Fingal Home
- 13. The Fingal, Tattnall, and Robert E. Lee
- 14. The Enemy Outside
- 15. Lee Goes, and Tattnall Follows
- 16. The Ladies’ Ironclad Gunboat
- 17. Pulaski Goes Up
- 18. The Lull
- 19. Ironclads for Savannah
- 20. The Interim
- 21. “The Poetry of the Profession Is Gone”
- 22. Training and Trials
- 23. Christmas, 1862
- 24. The Promise of Ironclads
- 25. The Revolving Door
- 26. “With a Few Blows Crushed Out All Hope”
- 27. The Aftermath
- 28. Prisoners
- 29. Fall, 1863
- 30. The Great Christmas Riot
- 31. Early 1864
- 32. In the Doldrums
- 33. The Florida Boys
- 34. Blockaded
- 35. The Water Witch
- 36. After the Capture
- 37. Securing the Prize
- 38. The Newlyweds
- 39. Waiting
- 40. John Thomas Scharf, Midshipman
- 41. Savannah Feels the Pressure
- 42. Savannah Goes Up: The Squadron Shattered
- 43. Wilmington
- 44. Augusta
- 45. Richmond, the “Aye, Ayes,” and Sayler’s Creek
- 46. The End
- Notes
- Bibliography
- Index