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- 笔记
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Lean and Six Sigma a Holistic Approach to Process Improvement
星级: 48 页
Lean, six sigma, and the systems approach Management initiatives for process improvement
星级: 8 页
[Slide] Lean Six Sigma Improvement Process Road Map_ASQ(1)
星级: 2 页
Best Practices in Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement
星级: 306 页
Best Practices In Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement
星级: 306 页
Best Practices In Lean Six Sigma Process Improvement - R J Schonberger (Wiley) - 2007 [9780470168868]
星级: 306 页
Handbook of Logistics and Supply-Chain Management
Gemba Walks - James P. Womack
The Handbook of Logistics and Distribution Management_ Understanding the Supply Chain (5th edition) By Alan Rushton
Practitioner's Guide to Statistics and Lean Six Sigma for Process Improvements
Best practices in lean six sigma process improvement